New Year Resolutions are a subject of considerable debate. While some people lovingly embrace them, others ferociously oppose. Personally, I welcome any opportunity to rebrand myself and embark on a fresh start. However, it's essential to recognize that a goal without a plan is merely a dream. Although there's nothing inherently wrong with dreaming (believe me, I have Neverland tattooed on my shoulder), transforming aspirations into reality requires concrete planning.
I sense that people's aversion to New Year resolutions often arises from past experiences of self-disappointment. Allow me to offer some tough love advice. Establishing goals, crafting vision boards, and making resolutions trigger the release of dopamine. Verbally articulating our aspirations momentarily tricks our brains into believing we have already succeeded, providing a dopamine boost. Imagine running a business; you wouldn't set goals at the start of the year and revisit them in December without a plan of action and strategies in place. Approach your life with the same strategic mindset you would apply to your business. Below you will find a printable journal consisting of six pages to help you reflect on your current situation, define your dream life, structure your goals and plan your success. Hope you find it helpful and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Psst! No need to print it if you prefer to work digitally. You can download it to your iPad, phone or computer as well!