Blocking, muting, or unfollowing people on social media can have positive effects on your mental health for several reasons. Here are some things to consider if social media is effecting your mental health and life in general.

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This year I personally started with a huge social media inventory and edit. I might have gone a bit crazy?! But, after a year of careful reflection I realised that my online life had to start change and reflect the offline changes happening in my life. In order for me to lead a more aligned and authentic life I started to feel I needed to create a new social media experience. Listed below are some of the things I considered when blocking , muting or unfollowing. Mental health matters and 2024 is the year I take my self care and self empowerment to the next level!
Reducing Negative Influences: Social media platforms can expose you to a barrage of negative content, including toxic relationships, cyberbullying, or triggering posts. Blocking, muting, or unfollowing individuals who contribute to negativity helps create a healthier online environment.
Setting Boundaries: Social media often blurs the lines between personal and public spaces. Blocking or unfollowing allows you to set clear boundaries and control who has access to your online life, helping you create a more curated and positive experience.
Minimizing Comparisons: Constant exposure to the highlight reels of others' lives on social media can lead to unhealthy comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. Unfollowing or muting individuals can reduce this comparison trap, allowing you to focus on your own journey and achievements.
Preserving Mental Energy: Engaging with negative or draining content can consume mental energy. By blocking or muting, you conserve energy for positive and meaningful interactions, both online and offline.
Protecting Personal Well-being: If certain individuals consistently contribute to stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions, removing them from your online sphere can be a form of self-care. Prioritising your well-being is crucial.
Preventing Harassment or Bullying: Blocking is an effective tool for preventing online harassment or bullying. If you feel targeted or threatened, blocking the individual can create a safer digital space for you.
Curating a Positive Feed: Unfollowing or muting allows you to curate a feed that aligns with your interests, values, and well-being. Surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting content can contribute to a more positive mindset.
Focusing on Real-Life Connections: Limiting exposure to social media distractions can encourage more meaningful face-to-face interactions. It allows you to invest time and energy into relationships that have a more significant impact on your life.
Maintaining Privacy: Social media platforms often encourage oversharing. Blocking or limiting access to certain individuals helps you maintain control over your privacy and personal information.
Promoting Digital Detox: Periodically reviewing and decluttering your online connections is a form of digital detox. It allows you to step back, reassess your online relationships, and prioritise your mental health.
Remember that everyone's needs and boundaries are different, so it's essential to tailor your social media experience to what works best for your mental well-being. Regularly evaluating your online connections and making adjustments as needed is a healthy self care practice in the digital age.