Finding yourself getting hung up on guys after you have sex? Maybe not after the first time.., but after a couple of times you are most likely no longer in control of your feelings. That's right, biology takes over making you feel a strong bond and deeply connected. Here is the science to why women can feel hung up on guys they only intended to keep it casual with.

OMG! When I came across this pice of science it blew my mind! If only I knew then what I know now! I would have saved myself almost a decade of hoping casual dating partners would evolve into a deep meaningful relationship. Knowledge is power and understanding the female biology is so so empowering. No time to cry over spilled milk..., this information is so powerful and gives a deeper insight to how incredible our bodies are.
So, if you like me ignored the signs for far too long and kept getting hung up on guys that were not able to commit, this is for you!