December comes with mixed emotions for many of us. It's "the most wonderful" time of the year - but at the same time filled with expectations on how things should be, and should feel. It's a challenge being human, navigating through the holiday seasons - trying to stay grounded and focused while keeping up with everything going around outside of us.
Here's 20 gentle reminders of things you can gift youself - to be more present and remember what truly matters.
1.Catch the daylight Even if it's just for a few minutes!
2.Try a new, warming breakfast
Here's a suggestion from Soothe editor Alva.
3.Go to breathwork
4.Create your meditative space at home
5.Explore home scents
Awake your senses with a calming incense or candle.
6.Practice gratiturde
7.Call a relative
8.Create a 2024 vision board
Manifest all your dreams, visons and goals for the new year - and feel the excitement and motivation to get to work.
9.Sauna / IR-sauna / A warm shower
Warming up from the inside is so soothing on cold days.
10.Set an intention for your holidays
A clear intention can help you stay focused on what really matters - for YOU.
11.Explore your human design chart
If you haven't already - expolore your human design chart, and get a deeper understanding of yourself.
12.Reflect on 2023
Take some time an refelct on your past year. What are you proud of? What has been challenging? What are you grateful for?
13.Mealprep for the week ahead
14.Research books to read
Find a book to wind down with during the holidays. I will read/listen to 'Grow a new body'.
15.Clean your beauty bag / bathroom shelf
16.Meditate - even if just for a moment
Try a 3 min meditation in the middle of the work day, and notice the difference.
17. Send someone an appreciation text and wish them a happy holiday
18.Declutter your phone
Erase images and curate what accounts you're following on instagram. Ask yourself - is the accounts I follow aligned with the energy I want?
19. Ask for support / Support others
Remind yourself that you don't have to manage everything yourself.
20. Prepare a New Year's quiz to play with your family or friends.